Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Siopao Ninja Adventure


This is my final animation for my animation class I would like you to meet Siopao Ninja!
Featuring Voice actors Me and my best friend Weston Aka Kajet/ KajetoKun. So I hope you enjoy the show. There are a few easter eggs that has my previous flash animation see if you can find it. I ll list it down so see if you can find it.  Also won 3rd place for people choice award at my film show.
-Orby Circle orange jump dude the first animation puppet I did
- Jamming Gina The Singing Pony
- The Tardis (BBC) The first spinning 3d spinning animation I did
- Terry the terror Pon. My pony puppet I never got to use.
- Final Fantasy (Squarenix) opening Animation with Golbez Appears

To see more Siopao Ninja Go to my DA